How to use technology to manage and administer a sales incentives program?

How To Create a Company Culture That Illustrates Your Core Values

Ready to take your sales incentives program to the next level? You are at the right place because today, we will specifically talk about the automation of sales incentives and how technology can be your biggest asset here.
Sales motivation and sales incentives go hand-in-hand. Introducing technology as a means to strengthen the incentive program and make it result-oriented involves broadly two things – one, consists of using technology to empower your salespeople, and the other empowers the back office to ensure timely and effective calculations, disbursements, and more.
Sales Incentive Platforms for Administrators
Over-dependence on spreadsheets, especially Microsoft Excel, to manage and administer your sales incentive program is cumbersome. Because Excel, unfortunately, was not designed for the management of a complicated gamut like sales incentives. Thankfully, technology has evolved at a neck-breaking speed in the last few years. Today, we have multiple sales incentive software that have helped resolve innumerable problems posed by manual handling and spreadsheet calculations.
The Answer Lies With Technology
That’s true! Be it the risk of factual and calculation errors, speeding up the process of incentivizing your sales, or saving up on redundant work, automation takes the program several steps ahead.
The right sales incentive software puts your incentive program on the fast track. Meaning the software, with its intuitive and analytical features, powered by the cloud, AI, and other latest technologies, empowers the program to be driven in real-time, relevantly, and effectively.
Continue reading to understand how a sales incentive platform will help manage and run your sales incentive program viably, end-to-end.
To ensure the thorough and flawless working of your tech-enabled sales incentive program, you need to focus on four core areas:
- Platform Type
- Integrational Aspects
- Data flows & Processes
- Reporting Needs
1. The type of platform will help resolve administration complexities.
Broadly, there are two types of sales incentive systems that you can work with. One is the self-managed platform, while the second is a tailored software system curated for your organization.
Between the two, the former or the self-managed platform is a system that is available off-the-shelf and customized or tweaked as per the specific needs of the enterprise. It is either a no-code or a low-code software and comes with reusable modules. Admins must use and rearrange these modules to prepare various components of the incentive program. Since, in most cases, there’s zero coding, and most of these platforms have graphical user interfaces, the work of admin is pretty easy, and they can visually create a complex plan without having any know-how of the underlying source code.
When you go in for the creation of a software solution from scratch, you need to hire an IT vendor with developers having deep knowledge of coding and technicalities. The admin, in this case, is mostly dependent on the vendor for customization of the software as per changing needs of the incentive program. Additionally, the enterprise will need to spend a lot on engineering and hardware support, which can make the incentive software costly.
2. Integrations with your existing tech stack
Backend integration is an essential part of the sales incentive software. This means that whichever software system you use for your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), payroll system, etc., the sales incentive app or platform should work in tandem with these systems.
Seamless working means that all the concerned software systems have to be synced to facilitate faster and more accurate pulling of data from one to the other. You need to find out about system lags and processing times before signing a contract with a vendor for the incentive app.
3. The Data Workflows of the Platform
Data is a crucial deal today because it will help you understand how your salespeople operate and their possible challenges; second, most of your competitors are taking the help of data to make their sales verticals foolproof and performance-oriented.
The right sales incentive software provides data not just to the administrators or the higher–ups in the system but puts it right in the hands of the people who can use it effectively – your sales team. They can do their calculations in real-time, obtain summaries, gain visibility into their performance metrics, and more.
The purpose is to empower the team while ensuring that the incentive program is fair and relevant. In addition, ensure that the software system’s data processing capabilities are at par with the best technologies available in the gamut today.
4. Reporting Needs
The drive behind going in for complete automation of the incentive program is the reports that the system can generate and give you key insights. Whether it is about the day-to-day functioning or the annual audits, the system has to generate reports at the granular level to support the existing program and commission cadence. To top it off, the reports should be a part of the admin dashboard customized as per your organizational needs.
Features That a Sales Incentive Platform Should Have
- Real-time calculations of commissions
- Capturing sales data and calculating incentives accurately
- Have pre-built incentive plan templates and creating of new plans
- Real-time visualization of crucial metrics for the admin on an integrated dashboard
- Intuitive User Interface with zero coding requirements for the backend team
- Seamless integration with your existing software systems
- Self-management of commissions through embedded commission trackers
- Visibility to sales reps to track their performance and payouts in real time
- Analytical and compliance reporting tools
- Supports multiple currencies
- A SaaS-based software app that works on the cloud
- Mobile support
All in all, a modern sales incentive app should have features that facilitate your sales team to perform their best and stay motivated. It should have a robust backend that enables easy and transparent incentives management and promote high-growth business.
Interested to know more? We have a specialized platform powered by sales motivation technology. Call us for a demo and see My Incentives in action!
Business values can heavily influence your brand identity and how outsiders view your company. It is therefore imperative that a company has very firm values and the same is embodied in all aspects of their business.
Let’s begin with a quick recap of what we know about values. Values are individual belief systems that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for human behaviour. Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that they are raised with. Ethical decision-making often involves weighing values against each other and choosing which values to elevate. Conflicts can result when people have different values, leading to a clash of preferences and priorities. Some values have intrinsic worth, such as love, truth, and freedom. Other values, such as ambition, responsibility, and courage, describe traits or behaviours that are instrumental as a means to an end.
As an individual, values essentially serve as a guide to growth and development. They help us create the future we want to experience. Much like individuals, organizations also need values directed towards a specific purpose, be it growth, development or business success. These cannot be attained in the absence of a strong value-based organizational culture that embodies it’s core values.
Strong value-based work culture is a precursor to business success
Organisations are involved in making hundreds of decisions every day. The decisions they make are a reflection of their values and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose. That purpose is the satisfaction of organizational needs. Organizational values reflect how your organization operates in the business world. Successful organizations develop and follow their organizational values.
For instance – Walt Disney; it is not just among the most recognizable brands in the world, they also are the kindest community on the planet. A brand which is almost synonymous with magic, Disney extends the magical experience even to its employees as a part of the company’s culture. (quoted from surveysparrow blog-7 Fabulous Organizational Culture Examples You Can Learn From!)
What Sets Them Apart: Unparalleled heritage, pride and culture, wonderful community, amazing growth opportunity, and a creative atmosphere sets them apart, says a Disney employee. Disney only hires people who align with what their brand stands for. The organizational benefits of being a Disney employee include access to Mickey’s Retreat (an exclusive area accessible only to Cast Members and their families), generous discounts on Disney parks, hotels and merchandise, incentive schemes and private healthcare. Takeaway: Disney strives to make every place the happiest place to work and is compassionate towards each other. People can tell when their company cares for them and in Disney’s case, employees care back!
It was Peter Drucker who famously said that Culture eats strategy for breakfast’. No kidding. A work culture can absolutely be the deal-breaker or decisive factor when it comes to defining a company’s success. Great company culture just doesn’t happen on its own. It’s more than mere fun and games. It’s beyond the inspirational quotes and artwork chalked onto the pillar, glowing customer recommendations lining the walls, and bean bags littered across the floor. All that is nice and makes life more pleasant, but it does not change the core of who you are as a company. Great organizational work culture is more than paychecks, fun, and perks.
Company culture is a difficult concept to put into words but it is synonymous with your business environment. Good company culture takes years to develop, but there are some steps that you can take today to get this plan in motion:
1. Pin Down your core values:
Alright! First things first, you need strong core values to set up the base for your company’s culture. Your core values need to be established and ingrained in your company if you are to have a successful company culture. If your core values are not defined, there will be no culture. In the absence of a defined culture, organizations usually form their own culture, which is not based on values and best practices. This can be detrimental to the business image in the long run.
“When I began my startup, I did not have any set values. Personally yes, I had a set of values I operated upon, but however, it didn’t seem necessary to establish company values at such an early stage. Eventually, my business grew and so did my team. I now started seeing the challenge of encouraging the team to make decisions, based on the values I personally embody as guidelines. This became an even bigger challenge with employees who operated remotely. I finally realized the importance of having set company values. However, I kept putting it off since I didn’t know where to begin. But once I sat to actually pen down Moneyjar’s values, it didn’t take more than 15 mins” – Rohan Agarwal (Co-Founder Moneyjar)
To create your business values, think about your personal values, business objectives and align them to match it with your workforce potential. See which value-based decisions have kept you on your growth track and which have helped your employees perform better. Keep the ones that serve your indicators of success and match the goals you have chalked out for your business. A quick search on google with also reveals a great set of values you can imbibe. Go ahead if that suits you, however, remember your values must be tailor-made and should not be more than 3-4 in number.
2. Identify behaviours that demonstrate these values:
Once you have nailed down your core values, you must bring it into action. Sometimes organizations may be operating under unspoken core values, communicate them formally to the workforce and practise it daily. Daily reinforcement is the best way to form a habit. Identify touchpoints to remind them of these values. Everyday things like setting business hours, determining employee benefits and internal communication with employees, reflects your culture. So, ingrain your values in these decisions from the start.
Establish Key Behavioural Indicators that demonstrate your core values. For instance, If you are a customer service based company which has adopted “Going the extra mile to achieve customer satisfaction” as a core value, your employees must embody the same value and must be willing to go that extra mile whenever the opportune moment surfaces.
For example, you have probably heard of the Ritz-Carlton, a hotel chain known for their great customer service. On one particular visit, a mother together with her two children had spent a few days there on vacation, and when they got back home, her son discovered that his beloved stuffed giraffe, Joshie, had gone missing. The boy was devastated, so his parents decided to tell him that “Joshie is just taking an extra-long vacation at the resort.” This conversation was overheard an attendant at the front desk and he took it upon himself to ensure they leave happy. That very same night, the Ritz-Carlton called to tell them that they found Joshie. The relieved parents asked if the staff would mind taking a picture of the giraffe at the hotel to authenticate a fabricated “long vacation” story. After a couple of days, the parents received a package with Joshie and a bunch of pictures that proved Joshie’s prolonged holiday. (quoted from Brand24 blog) (once again keep the formatting same across sections and while quoting another blog also add the link)
Organizational culture depends largely upon the behaviour of its employees. So you must ensure that employees behave in a fashion that resonates your core values. Not just existing employees, but even new hires should be done keeping in mind the core values, so it becomes easier to integrate them into the organizational setup. Many companies have started carrying out an interview with a culture fitment angle to ensure the right candidate is hired.
3. Induct all employees into the values:
When bringing on new employees or when you update your company values, don’t skip onboarding and training. These are great opportunities for you to set the tone. Talking about your core values periodically can also help you to implement them in your corporate culture. You can send out monthly newsletters that showcase employees who are successful in following your business’s values. Also, you can bring up core values in goals meetings and determine whether you are reaching goals., You can discuss core values during employee performance reviews. Don’t let them get cosy in the corner of your small business. Frame them and hang them on the wall for employees and customers to see. Post them on your website, on your social media pages, and on any other digital front, you can. Many companies proudly display their core values on video walls or television screens in the frontal view of the office, to ensure both employees and customers understand them. Customers/ employees can get an idea of what the organization’s culture will be like basis the values displayed and take decisions accordingly.
4. Reward employees when they act as per the desired behaviour:
So the values are set, the employees are inducted and business is great! It’s no wonder these thoroughly thought out core values worked like a charm. If you’re thinking you’ve created your business Utopia, think again! Is it enough to just establish a successful culture? Employee Recognition plays an important role when it comes to building a company culture. Once the values are set and let’s say employees strive to adhere to them, then as an organization, it becomes your responsibility to recognize these efforts and reward these behaviours. These values help gauge the performance of employees and recognize their efforts in order to keep them engaged. Acknowledging and rewarding value-based behaviour encourages the employee to perpetuate this behaviour throughout his/her tenure with the organization. When these behaviours are rewarded it creates an emotional connection between the employee and company and they achieve a state of synergy and eventually attain employee engagement.
In today’s day and time, employee recognition can be also done digitally which also allows business owners to track individual performance and measure it against core values and reward employees. Such unique platforms provide superior employee engagement, not just among superiors and subordinates but also enhance peer-to-peer engagement. For instance, Let’s Buzzz platform allows peer-to-peer employee appreciation model, where employees across departments and ranks appreciate and recognize fellow employees for demonstrating certain behaviours by buzzing about it and thereby creating a chain reaction of acknowledgement and occasionally nudging whenever a core value is displayed, which in turn leads to driving a value-based culture. Core values are beliefs your business must follow in all aspects of its operations, be it marketing, human resources, administration and finance. They guide decision-making and define what your business stands for. But, if you and your employees fail to uphold your core values, you could face bemused or disappointed customers.